People need to realize that four months may not be enough time to, 'get over it'.
If I tell you something wasn't a priority just two months after my son died, it means just that, and it is the reason it wasn't taken care of. And it is a valid reason.
People need to realize that we may still cry, a lot.
People need to realize that anger is a normal response to a loss, and sometimes that anger may be directed at you...don't take it personally.
People need to realize that unless I ask for it, I really don't want your advice on how to cope with my loss.
People need to realize that stillbirth is the death of a person's child, their baby, their hopes and dreams. Stillbirth hurts too. Our babies lived, it may have been in the womb only, but they had a beating heart, toes and eyes. They were human babies, not just blobs of tissue or the by products of conception.

I realize this picture has been altered, no he didn't have such nice coloring,*
but he did have eyes, and a nose, 10 perfect toes and ears. Everything a baby has. He was real. Not just to me, but to my family, to my mom, to those that care about me.
* I decided to post the 'real' Colm. I don't care if it might be upsetting to people, he is my baby and I love him. If you don't like it don't look :-P
Don't make me feel like my baby wasn't good enough to have a funeral, or a wake. Don't give me the attitude that I made the wrong choices in choosing to honor him just as I would honor any of my other children. He is my baby. My saint in Heaven. My dove. My Colm.